Coronavirus Situation in India- An update from Alok Singh-MD, Enriching Journeys…


Mother Teresa had once said, ‘’Give your hands to serve and your hearts to love.”Thank you for your affection with various phone calls, e-mails, messages from around the world enquiring about us and praying for our well-being. It’s been humbling and a source of strength in these tough times. Aren’t we a small family despite of the distance we live?

We are well until now with God’s grace. Few in the family, friends families, and colleagues families have got affected but stable. Sadly, there have been few irreparable losses. With the help of the never say die, attitude citizens, all of us are trying to be of assistance as much as we can. At the same time keeping safe…The frontline workers and the Corona warriors are doing their best in these trying times. Our sincere gratitude. With a bit of behavioral change, precaution, and care towards others we should be able to contain the spread, hopefully. India would be starting mass vaccination from 1st May onwards. We are certain things will be better as soon as most get vaccinated. Various friendly countries have stood by us and are helping us with ventilators, masks, vaccines, and so on. Thanking them.

The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the grandest intention. We again thank you for reaching out to us and for your love. Though it looks like a distant dream but like always, we shall be back again. A dream is what makes people love life even when it is painful.

